SIP technology

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What is SIP technology?

structured insulated panel

SIP (Structured Insulated Panel) is a unique, highly stable, and environmentally friendly construction system for the construction of buildings with low energy consumption and of passive buildings. In this sandwich structure, an EPS filling is inserted between the OSB building boards, which is fixed with special adhesive.

With this simple solution, we have a thermal bridge-free building panel with excellent structural and thermal insulation properties. Our company uses OSB 4 TOP building boards, which are guaranteed to be free from formaldehyde and have water-repellent properties.

We manufacture the SIP construction system under controlled factory conditions, based on production designs prepared by our designers, and the panels are cut to size based on such designs, so no waste material is generated that would mean costs for the customer.

Due to the extreme stability of the self-supporting SIP panels, the buildings do not require a separate frame structure and this is the reason why a SIP house can be built very quickly.

The SIP-panel construction system is an ideal solution for rebuilding and expanding existing buildings, and it can be used in combination with other building technologies, so it is suitable for constructing detached houses and condominiums, administrative buildings, production and industrial halls, schools, recreational buildings, and garages.

Due to the extreme stability of the self-supporting SIP panels, the buildings do not require a separate frame structure and this is the reason why a SIP house can be built very quickly.

The SIP-panel construction system is an ideal solution for rebuilding and expanding existing buildings, and it can be used in combination with other building technologies, so it is suitable for constructing detached houses and condominiums, administrative buildings, production and industrial halls, schools, recreational buildings, and garages.

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The SIP panel is a building material made of an EPS insulation board glued between two OSB boards using a special material. Our company uses the OSB 4 Top building boards, which is the most modern product on the market. Its formaldehyde-free, environmentally friendly adhesives do not harm the health, and it satisfies all the international standards.

A complete house can be built from SIP panels, the panels of different thicknesses and the I-OSB beams are suitable for all parts of the building, from the floor to the roof. Due to their extremely good thermal insulation and structural properties, much thinner wall structures are required, so the family has more useful floor space in our houses. In addition, with a 30 cm thick outer wall, the thermal insulation that satisfies the limits of a passive house is already achieved.

The benefits of a SIP house

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Quick and accurate assembly on site. Turnkey delivery in 120 to 160 days.

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Panels made to exact dimensions based on design drawings. No waste material, no extra cost.

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Up to AA ++ energy rating. Guaranteed "overhead cost-free" heating system using solar panels.

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Heat recovery ventilation system, Electric floor, wall, or ceiling heating, with control per room.

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Earthquake-safe. High fire resistance. 30-year guarantee.

The benefits of a SIP house

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Quick and accurate assembly on site. Turnkey delivery in 120 to 160 days.

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Panels made to exact dimensions based on design drawings. No waste material, no extra cost.

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Up to AA ++ energy rating. Guaranteed "overhead cost-free" heating system using solar panels.

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Heat recovery ventilation system, Electric floor, wall, or ceiling heating, with control per room.

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Earthquake-safe. High fire resistance. 30-year guarantee.

zöld nyíl jobbra



this is the real overhead cost reduction!

How one should heat a SIP house?

solar panel

Due to the excellent thermal insulation and airtightness in SIP houses, little energy is needed for the heating. We can produce this small amount of required energy using solar panels, so the heating may be completely free of charge! Taking advantage of the extraordinary thermal insulation properties of SIP houses, we recommend electric heating, which can be installed under the floor, under any covering, wall, plasterboard, or onto the ceiling, under the plasterboard.

For the electric heating, we recommend increasing the number of solar panels so that we can reduce the costs of heating to zero, thus we have not only satisfied the requirement for the integration of the mandatory 25% renewable energy source, but we have made the heating demand cost-free.

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hálozatba feltöltött áram, melegvíz, SIP technológia, ADAM-HOUSE 9

How does it happen in practice?

In practice, the surplus electricity produced e.g. in the summer and charged into the mains can be taken back, even in the winter. As a result, the heating will be free of charge from the energy we have charged into the electricity supplier’s system in the summer. The charged and received quantities are recorded by a back-and-forth meter, which is installed by the electricity supplier when the solar system is started, free of charge.

Not only can the heating energy demand of the buildings be designed accurately, but these energy calculations are mandatory, otherwise the owner does not receive an occupancy permit. From these calculations, we know exactly which size solar panel system we need to install in order to produce both the total electricity demand of the heating and the hot water demand. This is the reason why we can guarantee with a clear conscience and in writing that the solar panel system that meets the design will meet the electricity demand of the heating.

Choose the comfort, the best value for money and security air exchange in the SIP houses

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In our excellently insulated buildings, ventilation is provided by a heat recovery automatic ventilation system. Complete air exchange throughout the house, continuous fresh air supply, winter-summer mode, with automatic or manual control. The heating can be controlled in each room separately, but a smart home controller can be requested for the whole building.

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More than 60% of a building’s maintenance costs is comprised of the heating costs. However, there is a solution to say goodbye to your heating bills forever. It is true that it requires a well-insulated building, but that is a prerequisite for all things connected to energy-saving. Our task is to choose the heating system that suits your needs and the nature of the building best: it could be electric underfloor heating or even infrared heating.


The outer OSB coating of the panels is made of densely pressed pieces of wood, which are bonded using a special adhesive. With such a unique structure, it is more resistant to fire than other conventional wooden materials (in class Ds2-dO according to the standard EN 13501-1). The EPS-100 polystyrene, the thermal insulation core of the panels, is tested for fire resistance and classified in the fire hazard class according to standard MSZ EN 13501. The polystyrene insulated products burn only in direct contact with open flames, but behave in a self-extinguishing manner after the combustion heat is removed.

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In our excellently insulated buildings, ventilation is provided by a heat recovery automatic ventilation system. Complete air exchange throughout the house, continuous fresh air supply, winter-summer mode, with automatic or manual control. The heating can be controlled in each room separately, but a smart home controller can be requested for the whole building.

SIP ház 0 ft fűtésszámla 2


More than 60% of a building’s maintenance costs is comprised of the heating costs. However, there is a solution to say goodbye to your heating bills forever. It is true that it requires a well-insulated building, but that is a prerequisite for all things connected to energy-saving. Our task is to choose the heating system that suits your needs and the nature of the building best: it could be electric underfloor heating or even infrared heating.


The outer OSB coating of the panels is made of densely pressed pieces of wood, which are bonded using a special adhesive. With such a unique structure, it is more resistant to fire than other conventional wooden materials (in class Ds2-dO according to the standard EN 13501-1). The EPS-100 polystyrene, the thermal insulation core of the panels, is tested for fire resistance and classified in the fire hazard class according to standard MSZ EN 13501. The polystyrene insulated products burn only in direct contact with open flames, but behave in a self-extinguishing manner after the combustion heat is removed.

requirements for energy

The SIP houses we manufacture and build can even achieve the AA ++ energy rating!

In connection with the directives of the European Union, Hungary adjusts the system of building energy requirements in 3 steps. This means a total of approx. 40% stricter standards for the thermal insulation and the energy supply of buildings. The construction of the traditional brick buildings will become more expensive. The information below helps you understand the details.


Required U-value from 1st January, 2018: 0.24 W / m²K
Required U-value from 1st January, 2020: 0.20 W / m²K

(New energy rating introduced in 2016)





In the case of an ADAM-HOUSE, state-of-the-art technology
can be expected at every corner, both inside and out.

In the case of an ADAM-HOUSE, state-of-the-art technology can be expected at every corner, both inside and out.

In 2020, stricter rules were introduced, and the most important ones are e.g. the use of renewable energies in min. 25% (i.e. either a solar panel or a solar collector must be installed on the building), and the installation of a heat recovery ventilation system to ensure proper ventilation and dehumidification. With this, the building will “only” be a building of BB category.

The building structures and the building energy systems we distribute comply with the strictest regulations valid from 2020!

For an energy rating of AA or higher, e.g. temperature control per room and detailed energy calculations will be required. The wall structures of the SIP houses have a U-value of 0.15 W / m²K and even the AA ++ energy rating can be achieved cost-effectively with 100% solar-powered heating without overhead costs, with temperature control per room and ventilation equipment with 98% heat recovery.

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Contact us

so that we can help you design your dream home and build it precisely! Fill in the form below and we will send you information with prices and a list of the things that the house will be equipped with!

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