

Quick and accurate on-site assembly. Turnkey delivery in 120-160 days.


Fast and accurate assembly on site. Delivery turnkey in 120-160 days.

Energy efficient

Fast and accurate assembly on site. Delivery turnkey in 120-160 days.

Environmentally friendly

Fast and accurate assembly on site. Delivery turnkey in 120-160 days.

Time and value resistant

Fast and accurate assembly on site. Turnkey delivery in 120-160 days.

What is SIP technology?

structured insulated panel

SIP (Structured Insulated Panel) is a unique, highly stable and environmentally friendly building system for low-energy and passive buildings. In accordance with the sandwich structure, an EPS filling is inserted between OSB building boards and fixed with a special adhesive

With this simple solution a thermal bridge-free building panel with excellent static and thermal insulation properties. Our company uses Egger's OSB 4 TOP building board, which is guaranteed formaldehyde-free and water-repellent

The SIP building system is manufactured under controlled factory conditions, based on production drawings prepared by our designers and cut to size according to these drawings,so that no waste material is generated during construction, which is a burden on the customer's wallet

Due to the extreme stability of self-supporting SIP panels, the buildings do not require a separate frame structure and can therefore be erected very quickly

The SIP panel building system can also be used in combination with other technologies. It is also an ideal solution for condominiums, public administration buildings, production and industrial halls, schools, leisure buildings and garages.


SIP is a building material consisting of an EPS insulation board glued between two OSB boards with a special material. Our company uses Egger's OSB 4 Top building board, which is the most advanced on the market. It is formaldehyde-free, its environmentally friendly binders are not harmful to health and it complies with all international certifications

SIP panels can be used to build a complete house, with panels of different thicknesses and I-OSB beams suitable for all building components from floor to roof. Their extremely good thermal insulation and static properties mean that much narrower wall constructions are required, giving our houses more usable floor space for the family. In addition, with an external wall 30 cm thick, we already achieve the thermal insulation required for a passive house.

SIP house advantages


Quick and accurate assembly on site. Ready for turnkey delivery in 120-160 days


Precisely made-to-measure panels based on drawings. No waste material, no extra cost.

Energy efficient

Up to A+++ energy rating. Guaranteed "resilient" solar heating system.

Environmentally friendly

Heat recovery ventilation system Electric underfloor, wall or ceiling heating with room-by-room control

Time and value resistant

Earthquake resistance
High fire resistance.
30-year guarantee.

What should you heat a SIP house with?

solar panel

SIP houses have excellent thermal insulation and air tightness little energy is needed for heating This little can be produced by solar panels, so even for free! Taking advantage of the extraordinary thermal insulation properties of SIP houses, we propose electric heating, which can be installed in floors, under any kind of cladding, in walls, under plasterboard, or in ceilings, also under plasterboard

For electric heating, we propose to increase the number of solar panels to such an extent that the heating costs are completely zero, thusnot only have we met the mandatory 25% renewable energy installation, but we have also made our heating needs cost-free.

Zero heating bill

Heating costs account for more than 60% of building maintenance costs. But there is a way to say goodbye to heating bills forever. It's true, you need a well-insulated building,but it's a prerequisite for anything to save energy

Our job is to meet our needs and the heating system that best suits the nature of the building choose the right heating system: it can be electric underfloor heating or even infrared heating

Safe for the whole family

The outer OSB cladding of the panels is made from densely compressed pieces of wood, bonded with a special glue. With such a unique structure, it is more resistant to fire than other traditional timber (in class Ds2-dO according to EN 13501-1). The thermal insulation core of the panels, EPS-100 polystyrene, is tested for fire performance and classified in fire hazard class according to MSZ EN 13501. Polystyrene insulated products burn only in direct contact with open flame, but behave in a self-extinguishing manner after removal of combustion heat.

energy requirements

The SIP houses we manufacture and build are up to
the A+++ energy rating

Hungary will do so in 3 steps in relation to the European Union directives
the adaptation of the energy performance requirements for buildings.
This means an overall increase of about 40%
on the insulation and energy performance of buildings
The construction of conventional brick buildings will become more expensive
The following information is provided to help you find your way around


U-value required from 1 January 2018: 0,24 W/m2K
U-value required from 1 January 2020: 0,20 W/m2K

From 2020, further restrictions have been introduced, the most important of which is, for example, the use of renewable energies with a minimum share of 25% (i.e. either solar panels or solar collectors must be installed on the building) and the installation of heat recovery ventilation to ensure adequate air exchange and dehumidification. This will still make the building "only" category BB

The building structures and building energy systems we supply comply with the most stringent standards from 2020!

To achieve an energy rating of AA or better, you will also need, for example, room-by-room thermal controls and detailed energy calculations. Lightweight SIP houses have wall constructions with a U-value of 0.15 W/m²K and with 100% solar heating, room thermostats and ventilation with 98% heat recovery, even an A+++ energy rating can be achieved cost-effectively.

Contact us

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"The home of the future is innovative, stylish, comfortable, infused with smart technologies and user-friendly."

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Contact us
+36 37 527 698

Korsós Zoltán, operational manager
+36 70 324 6538

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