
Building materials for the 21st century

Today, SIP panels offer a high-tech solution for non-residential and low-energy residential buildings. Advances in computer-aided design and manufacturing allow SIP panels to be produced with astonishing precision, so that flat, straight and load-bearing walls can be built using the technology. SIP panels are manufactured in thicknesses from 100 mm to 270 mm. Exceptional strength and energy-saving insulation values make SIP panels the building material of the 21st century

For single-family houses, industrial buildings, public institutions or other major investments, market requirements and current legislation demand more energy efficient and smarter buildings. We provide solutions for the design and construction of low-energy or passive buildings with our ADAM-HOUSE SIP building system

With the ADAM-HOUSE building system, almost any custom design can be realized without giving up your creativity. The panel structure allows you to assemble almost any shape.

Computer Aided Design
and SIP panel manufacturing

Our company manufactures SIP panels in different thicknesses, which ensures a wide range of applications. They can be used as external and internal load bearing walls, partition walls, slabs, flat and high roofs. The elements of our SIP systems can be combined with other construction technologies

SIP building systems are manufactured under controlled operating conditions on the basis of carefully prepared plans. The panels are made to measure, which significantly reduces the time required for construction work. The panels themselves also have a stable insulating core

The structural parameters of SIP panel houses are several times more favourable than those of traditional timber frame buildings and other lightweight construction technologies. Their use has been tested for decades in the most demanding climatic conditions, mainly in the northern US, Canada and Alaska.

Precision Manufacturing Technology,
minimal construction waste

Cutting SIP panels to size on the shop floor greatly reduces construction waste, so there is no extra cost to the builder's wallet.

ISO 9001 certification:
Assurance of quality workmanship

We are incredibly proud to be the first company in Hungary to achieve ISO 9001 certification. We have a lot of work in it, for our partners it should be an assurance of quality and high standards of work

What does ISO 9001 certification mean?

The primary purpose of ISO quality management systems is to help businesses deliver consistently high quality services. A uniform system of expectations also requires uniform quality. In addition, ISO systems contribute to a smoother and more traceable internal operation of companies. By applying and meeting its requirements, the operational efficiency of a company is increased

Companies with ISO certification are ahead of their competitors in several respects:

  • They facilitate their own internal operations
  • They eliminate disruptions due to otherwise undetectable errors
  • Easier to gain the trust of their partners, as ISO's internationally recognised "reputation" gives them the assurance that the company is doing its job to a high standard
ISO certification is now an expectation!


Increasing global environmental regulations demand the advancement of technologies that produce minimal emissions. The construction industry is responsible for nearly 30% of global emissions. Wood is the only building material with a negative carbon footprint that can meet the challenges and environmental commitments that will shape the future throughout its life cycle

Certified Building System

ADAM-HOUSE Building System is the holder of National Technical Assessment A-14/ 2020

We supply and provide our partners with a building system that includes all the materials needed to build the structure, including structural beams, KVH, BSH and other wood structures, as well as the fasteners and anchors needed to assemble the system. For panel joints, we use various bonding elements, PU adhesive, PUR foam, sealants and sealing tapes. All these materials are part of the building system's individual kit, so there is no need to purchase them afterwards. The construction system using SIP panels is classified as a wood building, but its physical and thermal insulation properties make it significantly superior to traditional wood constructions

More certificates


The building structure is guaranteed for 30 years if it is installed by our company's qualified contractors and complies with quality standards.

Training, advice, consultation

We provide ongoing training and consultation during the design and construction of buildings. One of the greatest advantages of SIP panels is the simplicity of the structure, but at the same time they are extremely durable, stable and able to withstand high compressive loads. The three layers (OSB4 + EPS + OSB4) and the special adhesive used in the manufacturing process are excellent against transverse and longitudinal loads. Tests have shown that multi-storey buildings constructed with SIP panels can withstand earthquakes of more than magnitude 7

Fire resistance

SIP panels are treated with a special component - adhesive - that meets modern and generally accepted standards. The outer OSB cladding of the panels is made from densely compressed pieces of wood, bonded with a special adhesive. With such a unique structure, it is more resistant to fire than other conventional wood materials (class Ds2-dO according to EN 13501-1)

The thermal insulation core of the panels, EPS - polystyrene is tested for fire performance and classified according to the fire hazard class MSZ EN 13501. Polystyrene insulated products burn only in direct contact with open flame, but are self-extinguishing after removal of combustion heat.


It is very important to be 100% sure that you are choosing a company that manufactures certified SIP panels. Place great emphasis on certificates that record environmental performance indicators, and that the panels actually perform a load-bearing function, not just a frame-filling element. OSB boards, polystyrene and adhesive must also meet the required standards. These factors necessarily affect the health of the occupants of a house built with SIP panels

Conventional - OSB3 - boards are "E3" OSB class, which are not treated with an appropriate adhesive. As these OSB boards are below a certain limit according to European standards, their use is only "not recommended" but not prohibited. However, panels made in this way emit huge amounts of harmful substances which have a very negative impact on the health of the people living in the house. In the case of residential buildings, only OSB panels with an "E0" class rating are suitable. This means that they emit virtually no harmful substances

We use environmentally friendly OSB4 boards and flame retardant expanded polystyrene and a special high quality adhesive in the production technology of our SIP panels. Such panels are harmless to human health and can be used in any part of residential buildings. Of course this is reflected in the cost, but health is undoubtedly more expensive and clearly more important!


The SIP panels we manufacture measure 3000 mm × 1250 mm, weigh about 70 kg per panel and the thickness usually depends on the installation site. We use 170 mm thick panels for external load-bearing walls, - 100 mm for internal walls and 270 mm for floors and roofs

The load-bearing SIP panels are made of 15 mm thick OSB4 boards with 140 mm thick EPS insulation in between. The insulation between the OSB4 boards can be either graphite or conventional white, depending on where and for what the building system will be used.

The result of the manufacturing process is a sandwich panel with excellent thermal insulation properties, low bulk density and high structural rigidity.

Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect

A little history

SIP panelized house construction is a Canadian technology. In Canada, North America, builders have been using this technology for nearly 100 years. The process and every detail of the materials used has changed, becoming more modern and innovative of course, but the sandwich structure has remained to this day. The concept of structural insulated panels (SIPs) began in 1935 at the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) in Madison, Wisconsin. FPL engineers assumed that plywood sheathing could withstand some of the structural loads in exterior wall applications. Their prototype structural insulated panel (SIP) was built using framing members in the panel combined with structural plywood sheathing and conventional insulation.These panels were used to build test houses, which were continuously tested for more than 30 years, during which time FPL engineers continued to experiment with new designs and materials.

structural insulated panel system

The structured insulated panel system (SIP) is a new architectural form developed by Frank Lloyd Wright in the 1930s. SIP is a technology that has become widespread in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, the Nordic countries and Germany

The famous architect used structural insulated panels in some of the more affordable houses built in Usonia in the 1930s and 1940s. SIPs made a major leap forward in technology when one of Wright's students, Alden B. Dow, son of the founder of The Dow Chemical Company, created the first foam-core SIP panels in 1952 and used them to build the first SIP homes. The homes built in Midland MI are still occupied and are a testament to their longevity

In the 1960s, rigid foam insulation products became readily available, and in the 1980s, oriented strand board (OSB) was developed as a structural panel, resulting in the SIP panels we know today.

In the 1990s, advanced computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology was developed to produce SIP panels. Using these systems, computer-aided architectural drawings (CAD drawings) can be converted to allow automated cutting machines to produce SIP panels for custom building design. The CAD-CAM technology has streamlined the SIP manufacturing process and provided additional labor savings for builders.

Manufacturing Design

Production design is currently carried out using SEMA CAD/CAM software. The range of applications covers everything from 2D/3D CAD design, photo-realistic visualization, calculation and tender preparation at the touch of a button, to architecture, production drawings, working drawings and parts lists.

Thanks to the production drawings, every detail of the building ordered is manufactured under controlled factory conditions, so that all our panels and buildings are produced to the millimetre.

We offer a complete building system that includes all the materials needed for construction. The panels are manufactured according to the project documentation in controlled factory conditions, so there is no additional work on site, saving time and money.

Which companies are considered the best
in the production of SIP panels?

What is the secret?

The SIP panel itself consists of two OSB4 sheets with a solid layer of polystyrene foam in between

Companies using other technologies often claim that the use of SIP panels is unreliable, unsafe and it is generally unclear how such "sandwich" panels are made, what materials are used and how long the structure remains intact. This is simply because there is a lack of understanding of the manufacturing technology and the industrial equipment and materials required to make them


Modern and specialised equipment, combined with quality-controlled production, allows us to produce panels of high precision and high quality.

The 15 mm thick OSB4 boards and the special adhesive we use allow us to produce a load-bearing, waterproof building product. The EPS insulation boards are manufactured in one piece to the size we require. The gluing is done through a specially designed gluing machine and then finalized in a press machine with a predetermined pressure until the initial bonding of the glue

Thanks to the technology, the sandwich structure thus created is many times stronger, more resistant and more durable than other similar-looking products, also called SIPs, available in Hungary. The difference is easy to spot with the naked eye (the 12 mm thick OSB board is a tell-tale sign), but the pieced-together insulation also reduces efficiency and load-bearing capacity, which is not always visible from the outside.

What are the advantages of ADAM-HOUSE's manufacturing and products?

All the major manufacturers of SIP panels are focusing on the need to automate the manufacturing process by controlling each stage. The advantages of SIP panel production in this application are: application of polyurethane adhesive using an automatic station that eliminates possible errors, uniform application of adhesive over the entire width of the panel. At this layer density the foamed polystyrene and OSB4 will be bonded as tightly as possible Each panel is placed under hydraulic cylinders, which guarantees the strength of each panel. The quality and precision of the cut is ensured by a special panel cutting sawing machine for cutting the panels.

Although brick houses have a long tradition in Hungary, the quality of the building materials has become questionable as the cost of building materials has risen. Unfortunately, the skills that were typical in the days of our fathers and grandfathers are nowadays rare. We have experienced first-hand the many shortcomings and negligence in the construction industry. Our company is establishing a completely new technology of prefabricated houses in Hungary

We have our own production line, which means that it only takes 2-3 days to produce a complete building structure.The production line is characterised by the use of a special technology for the application of the adhesive. Our plant is dedicated to the design and production of both SIP panels and prefabricated houses. High production capacity, use of only high quality and proven raw materials, careful control of every stage of production. All this allows our company to guarantee the final quality of each panel.

We guarantee


The manufacture and supply of the SIP building system, including all fasteners, screws and other hardware and fasteners required for the construction of the structure


Professional consultation, seminars and construction consultancy related to the SIP construction system.


Structural preparation and preparation of production drawings


Training, consultations and lectures with architectural and design societies and universities.

SIP technology offers many benefits for users, architects, designers and investors

Design flexibility

SIP offers great flexibility in building design without the need to combine it with other architectural systems, which avoids thermal bridges

Thermal insulation

Panels have excellent thermal insulation properties despite their reduced thickness. They increase the useful floor area of a building by 10% compared to conventional framed buildings, while reducing heating costs by 60%. The insulating core is stable and will not lose its favourable parameters over decades

Airtight sealing - airtight building construction

Airtight sealed construction is ideal for modern ventilation systems, reducing energy costs and improving the quality of the internal air space

Fast, dry construction

The prefabricated elements are assembled on site in just a few days after the base has set. The construction time is therefore significantly shorter and the weather does not affect the construction process as much as with conventional technologies.

Contact us

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+36 37 527 698

Korsós Zoltán, operational manager
+36 70 324 6538

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